Diabetes & Oral Health

Diabetes & Oral Health Whenever you come into the practice for a dental check-up, Our doctors at ROOTS & DENTISTREE will ask you questions about your general health. If you have a serious...

What Is A Dental Cavity?

what is a dental cavity? A Dental Cavity, also known as dental caries, is a common dental problem that affects people of all ages. It is a small hole or a damaged area on the surface of a tooth that...

Things You Should Know After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Things You Should Know After Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovering after wisdom teeth removal Despite providing some entertaining chipmunk cheek pictures to look back on and a week’s worth excuse to...

Your Oral & Heart Health Are Related. Did You Know This?

The Relation You may think that just brushing and using mouthwashes regularly you can maintain your oral hygiene properly but reality is it might not be sufficient enough and can have  far-reaching...

Are You Brushing Your Teeth Properly??

Are You Brushing Your Teeth Properly?? If you really want to clean your teeth properly, just brushing or a simple back and forth or up and down motion doesn’t completely help. If you have ever...

Best Dental Clinic In Hyderabad

If you are looking for the Best Dental Clinic in Hyderabad, ROOTS & DENTISTREE is the answer to all your and your family’s dental problems…. About Roots & Dentistree ROOTS &...