Best Dental Clinic For Invisalign Aligners in Kukatpally

Clear aligners or invisible braces are transparent trays meant for teeth straightening. To get this treatment done you need to search for the Best Dental Clinic For Invisalign Braces In Hyderabad.  Invisalign is a clear aligner brand and is a revolutionary teeth straightening system that allows you to wear that beautiful smile you always wanted. Invisalign uses clear aligners developed from computer-generated images and impressions taken from your mouth by your dentist and their team to change the position of your teeth. 

Now, if you have got some idea about clear aligners. The next question is how Braces & Invisalign are different?

Invisalign vs Braces

Invisible braces kukatpally & braces are two techniques to straighten the teeth. But there are some differences between these 2 methods which we will discuss below.

Invisalign Aligners Is Suitable For Whom?

Invisalign is best suited for adults & teens who want to get a beautiful smile without showing those traditional metal brackets. College-going students are more concerned about their looks, so invisible aligners in Kukatpally is the best option for them.

Let’s understand some other characteristics that make an ideal user-

  • Better smile – Of course, this is the first and foremost requirement to be an ideal Invisalign user. If you have misaligned teeth and want a bright smile, Invisalign is for you.
  • Older teens and adults – Older adults & teens can use these trays without a single thought. Now, Invisalign is also available for kids 6-10 years.
  • If you are a foodaholic – Invisalign comes with the independence of removing while eating. If you have a habit of eating sugary or starchy food, you can remove the trays and enjoy your meal.
  • For brides-to-be – Just imagine you want to look stunning on your wedding day but you are not at all confident in wearing wire brackets. Invisalign is the best option for brides, 


Tips To Maintain Invisalign Aligners

invisalign braces hyderabad

Nowadays Invisalign Braces have become the first choice because of their numerous advantages to rectify misaligned teeth. Here we are sharing some tips to maintain your trays.

  • Clean Aligners Properly – Just like you brush your teeth daily, it is necessary to clean the aligners too. Cleaning of aligners is extremely easy to brush with the help of a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-whitening toothpaste. Cleaning helps to remove plaque and bacteria that can cause bad breath.
  • Remove Aligners While Eating – Unlike metal brackets, you can remove aligners. Food is the major cause of teeth stains, if you keep them while eating then they may get stained and aligners are not meant to bear the chewing force so they can get damaged.
  • Don’t Use Toothpaste To Clean Aligners – Whitening toothpaste has abrasives that can scratch and dull the aligner material, making them more visible.
  • Keep Them Away From Heat – Aligners are made from space-age plastics, but if exposed to the temperature your aligners can get warped. That’s why you should always keep them away from high temperature

Process Of Invisalign Treatment

Till now we have shared enough information about Invisalign Braces Hyderabad. So, if you are curious to know the treatment procedure here are the steps listed below –

  • Consultation – If you are planning to have aligners, the first step is to consult your dentist. In the consultation, the dentist will do a thorough examination of your teeth. The dentist will understand if Aligners are the best treatment for you.
  • X-rays (RVG, OPG & If required CBCT) – X-rays are needed for the initial diagnostic purpose of the treatment. During the diagnosis, x-rays need to be captured like RVG- digital x-ray, OPG- full mouth digital x-ray & CBCT- 3d x-ray. These are needed to start diagnosis, treatment & planning. Clear aligners work on a customized treatment plan.
  • Intra-Oral Scanning – Either a dentist or a technician from the Invisalign company will come for the 3d scanning of your teeth. This procedure also reduces the hassle of hectic impression techniques. This is way better than regular impressions because the data can be easily transferred to the company and an immediate simulation of the final result can be obtained.
  • Receive Your Aligners – After creating the digital impressions, within the period of 20 days to 1 month, you will get your aligners. Aligners need to be worn 22 hours a day. Every set of aligners needs to be worn 15-20 days after that you can shift to new aligners if required. Aligners should always be removed during brushing & eating.
  • Follow-up – If you are having any issues while wearing aligners or there is dislodgment of buttons don’t hesitate to inform your dentist.

Advantages Of Invisalign Aligners

invisalign braces hyderabad
Invisalign Braces Kukatpally come with a number of advantages, which makes them popular among the youth nowadays. Let’s have a look at its advantages –
  • Comfortable – Aligners are very comfortable and almost visible. So that you can smile confidently without the fear of showing those traditional metal brackets.
  •  Removable – One of the best advantages of aligners is that it is removable. That means you can maintain good oral health. Whenever you have to brush your teeth remove them it helps to get rid of plaque & bacteria which can cause bad breath and other dental issues.
  • It Is Safe Compared to Braces – Aligners are made up of soft plastic material which makes them extremely safe while wearing. Traditional metal brackets can cause irritation or might injure your soft issues.
  • Custom-made – Clear aligners are designed by scanning your teeth 
  • Eat Whatever You Want – With aligners you have the freedom to eat all your favorite food. All you have to do is remove them while eating and enjoy!
  • Warranty – For most of the complicated cases Invisalign can solve the issue in a period of 1.5 – 2 years. But even after that if the alignment as shown for the simulation is not achieved Invisalign gives you 5 years of International warranty where they can provide you free of cost extra braces till you achieve the desired results. 
  • Reduced Dental Visits – Patients with Invisalign has to visit the dentist 2-3 times max throughout the treatment 

Why Choose Roots & Dentistree For Invisalign Treatment

ROOTS & DENTISTREE is committed to excellence in providing exceptional family, cosmetic, and implant dentistry , Invisalign Braces Kukatpally as well as the highest level of customer service and gentle, comprehensive care.

At dentistree we work closely on making our patients comfortable & familiar with the treatment so that without a second thought they can go with the procedure.

With more than 15 years of experience, we are arising as one of the finest dental clinics in Hyderabad with efficient staff and high-tech equipment. As a referral-based practice, our growth is dependent upon keeping our promise to exceed expectations, create value in the individualized services that we provide and enhance the lives of our guests through education, optimal oral health, and aesthetics.

We offer a complete and comprehensive dental care experience for patients of all age groups. We are one of the best Dental Clinic For Invisalign Braces Hyderabad. From preventive dentistry to cosmetic dentistry, dental implants to periodontal therapy and orthodontic treatment, we offer all kinds of dental solutions at highly affordable prices. 

If you’re looking for a dental clinic with superior customer service and comprehensive dental care for the whole family, we invite you to ROOTS & DENTISTREE. 

You can trust us as we have the highest sterilization protocols and ensure the maximum safety of our patients. Our patients are our top priority, and we do our best to provide them with the quality treatment they deserve. For more information, feel free to Contact Us